Bibliographic Detail  #67974    

Material Type Electronic Resource
TitleSupercritical fluid technology for drug product development [electronic resource] / edited by Peter York, Uday B. Kompella, Boris Y. Shekunov.
Dewey Call #615/.19
Local Call #RS192 .S963 2004
Added AuthorYork, Peter.
 Shekunov, Boris Y.
 Kompella, Uday B.
SubjectPharmaceutical technology.
 Drug development--Technological innovations.
 Supercritical fluids.
 Supercritical fluid extraction.
 Drug delivery systems--Design.
ISBN9780203021378 (e-book : PDF)
Published/CreatedNew York : M. Dekker, c2004.
Linksbook distributed by CRC Press. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.
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