Bibliographic Detail  #36982    

Material Type Books
TitleInternational perspectives of festivals and events : pradingms of analysis / Jane Ali-Knight, Martin Robertson, Alan Fyall and Adele Ladkin
LC Call # G156.5.H47 A55 2008
AuthorAli - Knight, Jane
Added AuthorRobertson, Martin , ed.
 Fyall, Alan
 Ladkin, Adele
ContentDestination, image and development
 Community and Identity
 Audience and Participant Experience
 Managing the Event
SubjectCulture and tourism
 Festivals --management
 Festivals --Economic aspects
Published/CreatedLondon : Elesvier, 2008.
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312825G156.5.H47 A55 2008BookPSU Phuket Campus Library Foreign Book (2nd Fl.)   Available
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